Inspired by Flickr's "Project 365" and my friend Kathy, I will attempt to post one picture per day for a year starting August 1st 2007. Sometimes the pictures will be artistic, sometimes they will be things that were important to me on that day and other times they will just be pictures of things I thought were funny. I am sure a lot of poorly shot, poorly composed photos will be taken, but hopefully so will one or two great ones.

Friday, March 28, 2008

#239 Pub Quiz

239/365, originally uploaded by AXO - 365.

Met a few of the cricket lads at the Pig and Whistle for Ray's Wednesday night pub quiz. We got the highest score in the 4 people or less category which means we win one of these (you can trade it for a free pint).

Despite intending not to drink, I ended up hammered, taking a cab home and having to get up at 7am to back to the bar and get the car. I can't remember the last time I got drunk mid week.

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